Foreword: This is a work in
progress. The information given here is from a variety sources
including: personal experiences of the author, experiences of others who
were stationed at Peshawar Air Station, various US Government archives,
etc. While every attempt was made to assure the accuracy of the
material, failing memories and sketchy sources may have led to the
inclusion of rumors and less than perfect results. At this time, April
2003, data is still being collected. Anyone having additional
information or correction to anything here is invited to contact the
author. All rights to this material are maintained by the author:
Milton L. Fulghum

In July of 1955 the Commander of the 6900th
Security Wing of the US Air Force Security Service (USAFSS) in Germany
issued temporary duty (TDY) orders for a team of intercept operators to
survey various locations in West Pakistan for their suitability as radio
signals intercept sites. It
is not known if any particular world event triggered the need for at
listening post in West Pakistan. What
is known is that in 1955 the US and the Soviet Union were in the midst
of the Cold War. The US
wanted to know everything that could be learned about the strategic
military capabilities of the Soviet Union.
West Pakistan had consented to assist the US in obtaining
information by hosting various US sensor activities.
It was determined that the survey orders could best
be implemented by assigning operators from an existing site in Libya to
the survey team to by led by officers and senior NCOs from other
locations. Several plane
loads of men and equipment were flown to West Pakistan to conduct the
survey. After evaluating a number of other sites, the survey team
strongly recommended that the new site be located near Peshawar in the
Northwest Frontier of West Pakistan.
In 1958 the USAFSS began marshalling equipment for
a site at Peshawar as Project SAND BAG.
Then Capt. Luther A. Tarbox was placed in charge of the effort to
collect men and materiel and get them all to Peshawar. The tasks
included finding equipment, getting the equipment refurbished to “like
new” conditioning, getting visas and health processing for the men,
making transportation arrangements, and getting everyone and everything
to Peshawar. The personnel were assigned both on TDY from Europe and PCS
from the US. The movement
to Peshawar took place in the summer of 1958. Roughly twenty plane loads
of men and equipment were flown to Peshawar.
A temporary operating location was setup at the Peshawar airport.
Several vans contained the equipment. 
While permanent facilities were under construction,
the personnel were housed in local hotels (photo on right is commander's
office at Deans Hotel).
By the end of 1958 enough of the new facility was completed to
provide partial support to the temporary site.
Most important was a quiet place to sleep and uncontaminated
food. Many men of the
initial cadre had suffered severe bouts of dysentery.
Construction of Peshawar Air Station included
administration buildings, H-type barracks, dining hall, movie theater
and a gym. Of course, an
operations compound was included to house the specialized equipment used
for collection of a variety of data types.
Additional construction projects added a bowling alley, a
nine-hole golf course, dependent housing, dependent school for grades K
through 7, and expansion of the operations compound.
By 1968 the operations staff at Peshawar had grown to 800.
Another 500 support personnel provided essential services ranging
from mail handling and cooks to recreation and chaplains.
The dependent population is uncertain.
Also, in 1968 the Government of Pakistan advised
the US Government that, when the ten-year lease expired in July of 1969,
the lease would not be renewed. After
considerable negotiations, the US vacated the station in July of 1970
bringing an end to an era of US operations in Pakistan.
The above is but a thumbnail sketch of the history
of Peshawar Air Station. The
following chapters will provide additional detail about the
installation, the people, and the mission of Peshawar Air Station. Finding
the Right Place (The
intention for this section is to provide some background on why the
operation at PAS was needed and how the location was selected. This will
be a challenge because only one person from the survey team has been
found. Research into the State Department documents from the
period has not yet begun because an archive of the papers has not been
The Need Identified
It is still unclear what the
original purpose of PAS operations were. Further research is
needed in this area. Speculation is that the US wanted information
on Soviet ballistic missile and missile launch capabilities.
Intelligence sources had located a number of launch complexes within the
Soviet Union. These complexes served as both ballistic missile research
facilities and space program launch facilities. A number of US
university professors had proven to US intelligence agencies that much
information about capabilities could be obtained from telemetry.
This was no small feat because these agencies initially thought that
there was no chance that anything useful could be obtained. The
professors took this as a challenge. They outfitted a number of vans and
took them to the hills overlooking the US missile test range at White
Sands, NM. They recorded telemetry from several missile tests and took
the data back to their university for analysis. They were successful in
determining specific parameters associated with each launch. The
professors took their results to the test conductors at White Sands and
briefed them on what they were able to learn from the telemetry. This
served as proof to the intelligence agencies that the professors were
correct about the potential for getting useful information from
The problem then became that of
collecting telemetry for analysis. The nature of telemetry signals is
such that they can only be recorded while in near line of sight with the
source. That means the recording facility has to be close to the
telemetry source. Since a number of the Soviet complexes were in the
southwestern regions of the Soviet Union, Pakistan became a prime
candidate as a recording facility. A number of other US facilities in
the region also were identified as candidates.
The Survey Team
The survey team consisted of
roughly 50 USAF personnel. The enlisted operators were from a site in
Libya. The NCOs and officers were from USAF Europe. Indications have
been noted that the Libyan site was in the process of closing at this
time, so perhaps the enlisted operators were a convenient source of
operators for the survey of site in Pakistan.
Experiences Trip
to Peshawar
Various PAS veterans have
described a number of different routes that were used in getting GIs to
PAS. The changes in routes are primarily associated with the
introduction of various new transport aircraft. The route described
below was used in the late 60s and was implemented with USAF C-141 Star
Charleston AFB
Charleston AFB served as
a main terminal for the USAF personnel passenger service. Flights
departed on a regular basis to points east and south. Travel orders
typically assigned each individual to a MATS flight number with
instructions to check in a few hours before the scheduled departure
time. Everything seemed to be very routine.
However, in the case of a friend that departed a few weeks earlier than
the author it was anything but routine. When he checked in at the
passenger desk, the clerk pointer to a Braniff Airlines contract Boeing
727 aircraft outside and said that was his flight. He asked the clerk if
that plane was going all the way to Pakistan. The clerk repeated that
was his flight and he should get boarded. Sometime during the progress
of the flight he learned that it was bound for Panama instead of
Pakistan. The plane was loaded with special operations troops on their
way to Jungle School in Panama.
On arrival in Panama he checked in with the clerk there. The clerk
checked his orders and told him that he was in the wrong place. He told
him to get back on the same plane and go back to Charleston. So back to
Charleston he went and then caught the flight to Pakistan.
Torrejon AFB, Madrid, Spain The
stop at Torrejon was for crew rest. We arrived in the wee hours of the
morning. The ground crew at the base shuttled us off to the transient
airmen's quarters so we could get some sleep. The flight was due to
depart in about 8-10 hours, so we decided to get a few hours sleep and
then go sightseeing in Madrid. Once in Madrid, we piled into a
taxi and had the driver show us around the city. Since we were there
between Christmas and New Years Day, the seasonal decorations were still
on display.
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia The
stop in Dhahran was primarily for fuel. I suppose there was probably
additional diplomatic pouches loaded also. The passengers were escorted
to a roped-off area of the terminal to await departure. There were Saudi
guards with machine guns to make sure we didn't stray off. Later,
it occurred to me that the guards might have been there to protect us
from the potential evils of that sort of place. During our wait
there was what appeared to be a Saudi domestic flight loading for
departure. The aircraft appeared to be a very old DC-3 Gooney Bird. The
aircraft had a number of patches in the skin that seemed to be about the
right size and pattern for bullet hole patches. The
aircraft reminded me of the one portrayed in the "L'il Abner"
comic strip. The crew got it loaded and it took off
without incident before we departed. Trip to the
"World" A Nightmare Come True
During my final weeks at PAS, I had a number of recurring bad dreams
about being mobbed at Peshawar Airport in the process of leaving for
Karachi on the way out of the country. When my transportation out was
finally arranged everything seemed to be going well on the PIA flight
until we got to the scheduled stop at Lahore. Our plane was met by a guy
from some US agency. He said we were to deplaned in Lahore with our
baggage and await further instructions. All of the GIs on the airplane
were taken to a local hotel. The hotel was straight out of one of the
Shirley Temple movies. We were told not to unpack and be ready to
leave on short notice.
Finally, around 3:00 AM, we were taken back to the airport and loaded
unto another airplane. During all of this time, no explanation was given
as to what was going on. We arrived at the Karachi airport at about 5:00
AM and were loaded on a bus to the Karachi Intercontinental Hotel.
Along the way it became obvious why we were detained in Lahore. There
had been a huge anti-American riot in Karachi the previous evening. The
last thing the US authorities wanted was a bunch of GIs trying to get
through the mob. Well, it wasn't exactly the same as my
nightmare, but it was close enough.
When we finally got to the hotel the clerk didn't want to give us a
room because we had not registered for that night but the night before.
We were all tired and wanted to get cleaned up before getting on the
C-141 that afternoon. Finally, the hotel relented and assigned about
five to a room to get freshened up for the next leg of the trip.
Life Around Peshawar Transportation
It was pretty easy to get around the Peshawar area. The station operated
a shuttle base from the station into town on a regular schedule as long
as the political situation in town was considered safe. Once is town the
easiest and safest transport was by horse-drawn two-wheeled cart. There
also a Cushman scooter version of the same that was considered a suicide
cart. If there was a accident with on of these the passengers went out
the front head-long.
The Khyber Pass
The Khyber Pass had at least two major thoroughfares. One was an asphalt
paved two-lane motor vehicle road. The road was relatively well
maintained. The traffic was mostly trucks with a few buses and cars
sprinkled in. The Pakistani vehicles usually had no unused space. Buses
had people packed inside, hanging on the outside, and sitting on top.
Cars were similarly packed. We were once passed by a 1950
Chevrolet that had about seven people inside and another two sitting in
the truck.
Landi Kotal Shopping
The village of Landi Kotal was also known as Thieves City. This name
came from the belief that most of the goods on sale in the city was
stolen from transports passing through the Khyber Pass. The shops were
stocked with a wide variety of products at reasonable prices. One
quickly learned that the prices were very negotiable.
The Afghan Border
Numbers and Clocks on the Hills -
The hills around the border area had very large clock faces constructed
from white rocks with a single clock hand made from a white wooden pole.
On other hills in the area were large numbers also constructed from
rocks. One theory on the purpose of this was to provide coordinates to
aircraft without the use of radio communications. A primitive solution
in a primitive part of the world.
The Mangla Dam
Many of the PAS veterans have mentioned trips to the Mangla Dam and the
construction community there. The PAS softball team played the
team from Mangla. A number of the guys made some lasting friends among
the folks.
Need info from others
R&R Trips - Bangkok - New Delhi - and all other points of interest in,
around or associated with a tour at PAS. PAS
Through the years US-Pakistan relations have been a roller coaster. Even
during the years of operations at
PAS, the relationship was bumpy due to Pakistani worries over the
potential threat from India. Pakistan always wanted more military aid
than the US was willing to give. After the closing of PAS, the US
replaced the intelligence products from PAS with those from other ground
sites and satellites. However, during the Soviet occupation of
Afghanistan, the US provided intercept equipment to Pakistan, but not
operators. The products from the equipment were shared with the US.(9)
Most recent information indicates that the facility the was USAF
Peshawar Air Station is now Pakistani Air Force Badaber Air Station. The
PAF uses the facility as a Basic Staff School. Reports from visitors to
the facility in the 1990s indicated that the facility is well maintained
except for a few of the buildings that are not in use.
Commanders Following list of Peshawar Air Station / 6937th Commanders has been
compiled from various exchanges with either the individual commander or
people that were there during the period. It is easy to see that there
may be gaps in the information Col Ethyl Branham
Dates: Apr 58 -
Apr 59 (est.) Col Branham was the
6937th commander during the initial operations setup
at the temporary location at the Peshawar civil airport. He essentially
received the unit, both men and materiel, from Capt Luther A. Tarbox
when it was shipped from Rhien-Main AB, Germany. The dates of his
command need to be
Col Long
Dates: Apr 59 - Apr 60.
Col Long was identified as a
possible commander. This needs to be confirmed. His full name needs to
be completed. The command dates given are estimated from what is
believed about tour lengths during that period.
Col Julius Spooner
Dates: Apr 60 - Jun 61. Col Spooner was identified as a
possible commander. This needs to be confirmed. His full name needs to
be completed. The command dates given are estimated from what is
believed about tour lengths during that period.
LTC Skinner
Dates: unknown.
LTC Skinner was acting
base commander until Col Hanley arrived. (Grant)
Col Tom Hanley
Dates: I need to confirm this name with Mrs. Goerder
Col Robert Goerder
Dates: Jun 61 - July 9, 1963. Col Hyde identified Col
Goerder as the commander he relieved. The beginning date is an estimate
and needs to be confirmed. The ending date is from Col Hyde's orders
and should be accurate. Col Goerder passed away in 2000.
Col Thomas C. Hyde
Dates: July 9, 1963 -
July 4,1965. Col Hyde provided
this information from his orders.
Col Henry Taylor
Dates: July 4,1965 - Jun 67. Col Hyde identified Col
Taylor as the commander that relieved him. The
beginning date is from Col Hyde's orders and should be accurate. The
ending date is an estimate and needs to be confirmed.
Col Graydon K. (Rocky) Eubank
Dates: Jun 67 - Jul 69. These dates are from an e-mail
message from Col Tarbox that summarized a
conversation with Col Eubank. It would be nice to have the dates down to
the day.
Col Bill Hezlip
Dates: Jul 69 - Jul 70? This information is also from
the above conversation with Col Eubank. An
ending date is needed. Need to also confirm that the ending date is the
actual closing of the station, i.e., nothing further was happening
at Peshawar.
Stay tuned - more
to come . . . . . . . .
1 E-mail message from member of survey team, Tenet(?).
2 Need to verify source.
3 E-mail message from member of survey team, Tenet(?).
4 E-mail messages from Col Tarbox.
5 Message from US Ambassador to Dept of State.
6 Letter from Mrs. Hyde to Mrs. Eubank.
7 Various communications compiled in Johnson Administration Foreign
Relations Papers.
8 Email: Lenard Briggs, 3/26/2003
9 Kux, Dennis, The United States and Pakistan, 1947-2000: Disenchanted
Allies. Washington: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2001.