A popular place at Peshawar Air Station
News & Updates
Reunion #12 News - May 2-5, 2021 at the Holiday Inn Dayton/Fairborn I-675
2800 Presidential Dr.
Fairborn, Ohio 45324
The program included the delayed dedication of The PAS Memorial Plaque at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force.
Click here Peshawar Air Station Plaque Dedication
Speaker for the banquet at the reunion was Debbie Desch Anderson. Debbie is the daughter of Joe Desch, who was in charge of developing the NCR Bombe that was used to break the German Enigma crypto machine messages. Click HERE TO READ her bio.
PASAA Memorial Plaque: A contract has been signed to have the PAS Memorial Plaque fabricated. Dodds Memorials of Xenia, Ohio is the manufacturer and will prepare and install the plaque. They will create a draft of the full sized plaque and submit it to an Air Force Historian for approval. The total cost for this is $2,277.63 and donations are needed. Download PASA_plaque.pdf to donate.
Reunion News - Reunion #11 of the the 6937th Communication Group / Peshawar Air Station
Alumni was held April 28-May 1 at IP Casino Resort Spa (888-946-2847)
in Biloxi, MS. organized by Tom Davis.
Reunion #10 was held in Omaha, NE, August 24 - 27, 2017 at the Embassy
Suites Old Market. Tom Davis did a great in planning and organizing that
"In Memoriam
- USA 60 Badaber" - View official
Dept. of State message proclaiming the "death" of Peshawar Air
Station (Badaber). Thanks to Jim Turner for
providing this link. Click here to visit the office State
Department article about the closing of Peshawar Air Station.
"Sal" Razzaq was the Editor of "The Mystic
Lamp", the
daily newspaper of Peshawar Air Station. Click on the lamp above to
view copies dating back to the 60's. Requires Adobe Reader to view
(.pdf file).
Spencer Mitchell provided the photo on
right of himself and a young Saleem (standing) as
they prepared The Mystic Lamp",
The first reunion of
the PASAA (St. Louis, 2004) was dedicated to the memory of Col.
Graydon K. "Rocky" Eubank,
Commander, Jun 67 - Jun 69. View his photos and memorabilia generously
provided by the late Mrs. Eubank and daughter Karen.
Base closing ceremony
photos have been provided by Bob Cochrane.
P A S On-line

Listen to PAS band Six
Below Zero perform "We Gotta Get Out of
This Place" recorded at the NCO Club. Remember the Soul Survivors?
Hear their version of "House
of the Rising Sun". Set your dial to PAS
107 FM - Chuck Potts is the morning host in June, 1969.
Also, hear actual base closing announcements courtesy of AFRTS Peshawar and Radio Moscow.
Where were you during your
USAFSS days? Check out the clever rendition of Johnny Cash's "I've Been Everywhere". Peshawar, Pakistan and
many other locations mentioned.
P A S Today

Google Earth Satellite view of
Peshawar Air Station - click image to view additional images.
"Freedom Through
This site is dedicated to
the memory of the 6937th Communications Group and to all those stationed at Peshawar Air Station. PAS was established
in 1958 as an isolated detachment of the United States Air Force Security
Service located in a remote area south of the city of Peshawar, Pakistan.
The veterans of the 6937th
are proud of their service. It is the intent of this website to help
preserve that pride by sharing the history and memories of this important
intelligence unit while hopefully reuniting some past friendships or
creating some new ones. All alumni of PAS are welcome to send us
their special memories, experiences, or photos that they would like
included in this website. All visitors are encouraged to sign the
Guestbook and participate in the on-line Forum.
Special thanks to all the
Alumni of Peshawar Air Station for their contribution to this
website. Without your photos, information, and above all, your
encouragement, this project would not be possible.
The Peshawar Air Station
was formally closed on January 7, 1970, but the memories continue to live
on for the "Peshawar Bandits" who served in the North West
Frontier Province of Pakistan.

The Photo Gallery page is not fully functional.
Individual photo links are currently inactive. A new, improved photo
gallery page is being developed and should be available soon. Other
features and links on this page remain active.
6937th Outstanding Unit Award (Update)
Phyl Brager did some research regarding the Outstanding
Unit Award given for the period of 1 Jul 68 - 31 Dec 69. Click the ribbon below
to view the entry in "Air Force Pamphlet AFP-900-2" (Unit
Decorations and Awards). Page 131 lists the 6937th Comm Group -AFOUA
W/V (with valor).

P A S on You Tube
Bryan Nelson provides this video
memory of his travel from Kansas City to Peshawar Air Station in
(Hit Play then double click video for full screen)
is gone. In life and in death it served a noble purpose. Its
spirit and memory will live on amidst the music of the spheres, refreshed
alike by the soft chords of angelic harps and the harsh cacophony of
electronic blips. We shall not look upon its like again."
J. W. Spain, American Embassy,
Rawalpindi, 06 Oct. 69
This Site
wasn't long after Sept. 11, 2001 that all the newscasts were filled with
stories and commentary about Pakistan and
Afghanistan. Memories of my time at Peshawar Air Station
came flooding back. Having lived in that part of the
"world" for 15 months of my life, it wasn't difficult to
understand many of the issues that the rest of the country was now
hearing about for the first time.
had long wanted to try my hand at developing a website - one that could
generate a following and would have sufficient content to keep everyone's
interest. Thus, www.6937th.org
was born in October 2001. This is a work in progress and a special
thanks and appreciation has to be given to all those fellow alumni of
Peshawar Air Station for their ongoing contribution and commitment to
this site.
My time at PAS was from July
1966 to Sept. 1967 as a 2T Staff, 292x1 Dittybopper
on Able Flight. I look forward to hearing from other PAS Alumni as
we all work to keep the spirit and memory of PAS alive.

Gary Rutledge
Follow the link below to view
the Wikipedia definition of the USAFSS
Intercept Number